Does Meta Facebook’s New Name Meta Really Mean Death?


Yes, it’s true.  Facebook made an error in choosing a new name for Facebook.  At least that’s what we read in the mainstream media.  But for many conspiracy (myself included) theorists, this is just proof that Facebook has an a dark agenda.  Many people would tend to believe this was an error, but given the weird and very dark things that have been happening lately, it would seen that Facebook may be doing renaming their website Meta because they are taking orders from high ups.  Possibly even higher than the Whitehouse.  Yes, I’m talking about the all-seeing eye if Lucifer.   Anyway, according to the Guardian,

Facebook’s name change has been roundly mocked on social media, and perhaps nowhere more so than in Israel: Meta sounds like the Hebrew word for “dead”.

As images of Facebook’s name superimposed on a tombstone were shared online, Dr Nirit Weiss-Blatt, a tech expert, wrote in a tweet directed towards Facebook’s communications team: “In Hebrew, *Meta* means *Dead*.” The author of The Techlash and Tech Crisis Communication added: “The Jewish community will ridicule this name for years to come.” Meta sounds like the feminine form of the Hebrew word.

Another Twitter user posed the question: “Perhaps that’s a message? Disclaimer: I’m not a conspiracist.” And another wrote: “Maybe Facebook (I guess Meta now?) should have done some focus groups on the rebranding. #FacebookDead

The Israeli emergency rescue organization Zaka – whose work includes collecting human remains to ensure a proper Jewish burial – was quoted as reassuring its Twitter followers: “Don’t worry, we’re on it.”


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