Have You Forgotten That You Are A Soldier In God’s Army?

Satan has taken advantage of Amnesia within the Christian community.  Not the kind of Amnesia that causes us to forget our names, but the kind of Amnesia that causes most Christians to forget that they are soldiers in God’s army.   Many people are merely doing spiritual things like praying for their needs to be met.  They are attending churches to get a word that will edify them, yet they are neglecting their true calling.  Their most essential duty as a child of God is not merely to receive a feel-good message so that they can survive but to battle Satan for souls.  As children of God, one of our chief assignments is to take authority over territories that Satan is occupying.  Somehow many believers have forgotten that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.  So, therefore, we are called to be overcomers who take back what the enemy has stolen.  There are many things that he has stolen.  He has stolen peace from our homes and lives.  He has stolen our younger generation.  He has stolen our fellow man through addictions to drugs, fear, discouragement, and sin.  Our job as believers is to take back what the Devil has stolen.  This is why Jesus sent us into the world with this promise:   Nothing shall by any means harm you.  Luke 10:19 “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will hurt you.”  We are promised two things: 1.  The enemy cannot hurt us and 2. We have been given power over Satan.  Did you forget that?

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