Two Men Give Monkey Pox To Dog In Bed.

  • An Italian greyhound tested positive for monkeypox in Paris after its owners contracted the virus.
  • The owners developed pus-filled blisters and fevers 12 days before the dog also got a rash.
  • A veterinary virologist said human-to-dog transmission is likely rare and not a major threat.

Researchers described the first suspected canine monkeypox case in a dog that shared a bed with its infectious owners, and the case, raising new questions for researchers about human-to-animal transmission.

The dog owners, two men in a non-exclusive partnership, began experiencing symptoms of monkeypox at the end of May when they presented at a hospital in Paris, according to a report published in the Lancet on August 10.

Both men developed fevers, fatigue, and headaches after noticing pus-filled blisters on their bodies. They were careful to avoid contact with other people from the onset of their symptoms, and they quarantined their 4-year-old Italian greyhound as well.

The dog developed pus-filled blisters on its stomach and a small anal lesion about 12 days after the humans in the house began showing symptoms. Testing revealed that both the men and the dog were infected with identical monkeypox virus.

Monkeypox is known to infect a wide variety of mammals, and scientists are still learning which species can transmit the virus. Before this case, there were no reports of sick people spreading monkeypox to animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Liberal Comedian Collapses On Stage Right After Telling a Joke About How “Vaccinated” She I

Liberal Comedian Collapses On Stage Right After Telling a Joke About How “Vaccinated” She Is

Wow, talk about some weird timing.

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Heather McDonald, a liberal comedian, who is best known for her role on the left-wing “Chelsea Lately” show, was doing a standup routine in Temper, Arizona when she was struck down by a health emergency.

The 51-year-old comedian was telling a joke about how vaccinated she is and how Jesus loves her more because of it, and right after she delivered the joke, she went down like a sack of hammers.

She hit the floor and hit her head pretty darn hard.


As of now, nobody knows why this happened.

TMZ reported that comedian Heather McDonald fell hard during a show in Tempe, Arizona, but it was no joke … it was a medical emergency.
Eyewitnesses tell TMZ … the former “Chelsea Lately” star was headlining the sold-out show, when she delivered her second joke … “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted … and flu shot and shingle shot and haven’t gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most.”

As soon as she delivered the joke, she just collapsed and hit her head on the floor. Everyone thought at first it was all part of the act, but it was not. She was conscious, but clearly, all was not well. An EMT and a nurse happened to be in the audience … they rushed up on stage to provide first aid.
The 911 call came in as a seizure, but no one really knows yet. An ambulance came and paramedics tended to Heather.

She made a video clip from her hospital bed, so she’s at least getting better.

Heather says she’s never had COVID and as she said in her joke, she’s fully vaxxed and boosted.

Why Joe Rogan Will Not Be Silenced?

I saw this comment on an Infowars feed and thought that it was very accurate.  “Joe Rogan will never be silenced because he’s controlled opposition. While he brings more truth than the MSM, much like Alex Jones, he still keeps the discussion within certain boundaries and won’t go outside of that, and gently tries to guide the viewer’s attention towards certain topics, and to subtly suggest attitudes towards certain things that they want the public to have a certain attitude for/against. Case in point, the casual priming of Tulsi Gabbard that he constantly does, it’s clear they want to set her up as the “sane” Dem candidate once the dust settles from the Biden era fall out. Or how Joe never QUITE goes down the rabbit holes that he knows will get him canceled if he openly talks about. He maintains an air of impartiality and ignorance and won’t ever decisively say something if it’s controversial because he knows that’s when the axe comes down. Joe Rogan at the end of the day is a masterful propagandist and a valuable marketing tool for globohomo.” -Slayton

Controlled Opposition

“The Urban Dictionary states that Controlled Opposition is a strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves the role of mass deception, surveillance, and/or political/social manipulation. In most cases, the controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party.” In this case, it would be the popular talk show host Joe Rogan.  Joe has a way of saying and not saying.  He is like a release valve on a steam engine.  He allows steam to build up around a topic, but then gently lets the steam seep out, giving no real conviction to the topic at all.

Joe Rogan is not on a discovery of truth, he’s on a mission to be enriched by mass propaganda and rhetoric.   In the words of Jesus, …The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock. The man runs away because he is a hired servant and is unconcerned for the sheep.  John 10:13-14

A Hired Hand

Obviously, the global elite has hired people, false shepherds, to guide the masses in the direction that they want them to be lead.  Are we to assume that Joe Rogan gained his popularity and tremendous influence by accident?  As Jesus said, we should trust him because he is our Savior and good shepherd.  He will never leave us or forsake us for money, vanity, or fear of wolves.

I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me,… John 10:14

What do you think?

Ottawa Trucker Strike Illuminati Card Real Or Fake?

A convoy of truckers poised to land in Ottawa to protest a ban on vaccines for drivers arriving from overseas is calling on Canadian police to prepare for violence and warn politicians against escalating rhetoric related to the demonstration. Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloli said officers had been in contact with protest leaders on Wednesday, who he said were cooperating and sharing their plans. 

However, many supporters of the protest have wondered whether the protests are part of an agenda hatched to create food shortages.  One reason for this is the trending Illuminati card from the Illuminati card game that seems to be predicting a trucker strike.  No one has confirmed the card to be legitimate, but many worry if they are being lured further into a preplanned collapse of the supply chain.

Truck drivers are protesting a new requirement for full immunizations for truckers entering Canada starting January 15. The United States has the same requirement for truck drivers entering that country. The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that about 15% of truckers in Canada – up to 16,000 – are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.    

At a meeting in Ottawa, the police said they were preparing for a number of scenarios, including possible outbreaks of violence although truckers have said that the demonstrations will be nonviolent. 

 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. “What we’re hearing from some of the people associated with this convoy is totally unacceptable. accepted,” he added. 

While police support the right to protest peacefully, officers will be ready to move protesters out of the rally area if the situation becomes threatening or violent, said Soli, Ottawa’s police chief.  

Illuminati Game

Game designer Steve Jackson, in an article for Dragon Magazine, had previously described the origins of the Illuminati games and wanted the tone to be “more brash than serious”. Steve Jackson himself also addressed the origins of the games, telling Dragon Magazine in the mid-1980s that his intentions were primarily satirical and that he hoped to keep the tone “more playful than serious”.    Show Source Texts

Game designer Steve Jackson was happy about the conspiracy. Loyd Blankenship, a hacker who worked for Steve Jackson Games and was responsible for the raid on the company’s offices in the 1990s, told the publication that Jackson was “a big fan of conspiracy theories.”    Show Source Texts

An out-of-print conspiracy theory card game released more than 25 years ago seems oddly foreshadowing of current events, including the coronavirus pandemic, civil unrest in Washington, D.C., and the rise of political correctness. In print 25 years ago, the game of cards seemed oddly foreshadowing of Covid-19 and the election of Donald Trump. The print multiplayer card game, which first appeared in 1994, continues for its seemingly disturbing ability to “predict” major global events, from 9/11 to Donald Trump, the coronavirus pandemic and this year’s January 6th Uprising at the U.S. Capitol. INWO is the card-based version of Illuminati, the original intrigue and wacky game from Steve Jackson Games.    

How did Steve Jackson know the Illuminati Plan so precisely? In fact, he knew the Plan so exactly he got a surprise visit from the Secret Service, who tried their best to shut him down and prevent him from publishing his game. As you will see from viewing excerpts of Jackson’s account of the raid, they were very interested in his files entitled, “Illuminist BBS”. Let us listen to Jackson’s account of the raid

“On the morning of March 1, [1990] without warning, a force of armed Secret Service agents – accompanied by Austin police and at least one civilian ‘expert’ from the phone company – occupied the offices of Steve Jackson Games and began to search for computer equipment. The home … the writer of GURPS Cyberpunk, was also raided. A large amount of equipment was seized, including four computers, two laser printers, some loose hard disks and a great deal of assorted hardware. One of the computers was the one running the Illuminati BBS.”

INWO Assassins (1995 SJG), designed by Steve Jackson, is an expansion pack that includes additional maps for Illuminati: New World Order. A 125 card expansion pack called Assassins 123 and 2 promotions have been released, as well as a 100 card factory expansion pack called INWO Church of the SubGenius or SubGenius, which can also be played as a standalone game. A 125-card sealed deck expansion called Assassins has been released, as well as a full 100-card box expansion called INWO SubGenius. INWO is released in 412-card core decks in dual starting decks (suitable for two players) and limited and unlimited number of sealed decks.    Show Source Texts

There’s also a box set, variously called the “Factory Set” and “One With Everything,” which contains every card from the limited-edition core set, several Illuminati cards, and some cards that were previously only found in magazines . There’s also a set called The Factory Set or One With Everything (non-collector’s edition reissue), which includes a limited-edition card in a new color scheme, several Illuminati cards, and 20 blank cards for a total of 450. .    Show Source Texts

Various modifications were made to the Illuminati mechanics to create a collectible card game; for example, New World Order players create new groups to dominate from their own decks rather than from the center deck. This is a common feature with Cosmic Encounter (1977), as is the variation in individual games caused by the special characteristics of Illuminati cards randomly chosen by players; the result is a game that can be played over and over again but will never be the same. Illuminati (1985 Flying Buffalo), designed by Draper Kaufman, is a popular adaptation of the original Play by Mail game.    Show Source Texts owner and operator Derek Piercy, who helped create the original card game, has licensed the game from SJG and bases Illuminati Confirmed on its gameplay. Now, Alex Yeager of SJ Games has released a draft set of rules for playing solo Illuminati. He added that “as much as possible, I wanted to keep the flavor of the conspiracy stuff I was reading.”    Show Source Texts

While it was a solid game design, it was notable in the early days of the CCG world for not taking itself too seriously. In fact, the game mechanics in general became self-balancing, so that a player with a strong card could be countered by another player with an equally powerful card… which made him less powerful. However, he didn’t like the players exchanging cards, which is unusual for a TCG, which meant that the players had to figure out which cards belonged to whom at the end of the game.    Show Source Texts

While gaming’s preoccupation with the deep themes of a globalist state conspiracy was clearly ahead of its time, anticipating our confused and overwhelmed era of fictional claims of election fraud, QAnon, anti-vaccine, 5G paranoia, and jars based on hot nonsense. illustrations in tarot style 2000 AD on the cards themselves, which are a real source of charm. For example, the Illuminati map “Terrorist Nuclear Bomb” shows an explosion in the middle of a skyscraper in a scene that undeniably resembles the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York. an illustration of the puppeteer’s hand in blue on the back, while the group cards feature a puppet on a string in red.   


+ The Illuminati produced a plan that exactly fulfills Bible prophecy

+ The last two cards shown are in their correct sequence in the sequence in which David Icke has presented them.

“Rewriting History” — Jesus foretold of unprecedented deception in the End of the Age. Jesus warned:

“Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matt 24:4 (KJV)

“Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” Matt 24:11 (KJV)

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt 24:24 (KJV)

The Illuminati realized they had to deceive an entire population of people if they had any hope whatsoever of achieving their coveted New World Order. They realized that the public schools were graduating students who read too well, too widely, and communicated too well. These students generally distrusted Big Government and governmental authority. Clearly, the Illuminati had to gain control of the Public School system from the foundation upward if they had any hope of instituting a One World Government that would serve the New Age Masonic Christ.

As early as 1911, the Illuminati began buying textbook writing companies, until they owned them all after World War I. Once they got control of textbooks, they gradually began to “dumb down” the curricula and rewrite history. Today, students of public schools since World War II have received increasingly inferior educations, until now the population is largely academically inferior, is political herds of “sheeple”, and religiously ignorant of the Truth of Jesus Christ.

David Icke is correct in selecting this card and showing it first. Rewriting history was the first step in achieving the New World Order.


“Terrorist Nuke” — This card is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995! How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to be attacked? In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail. This card accurately depicts several facts of 9/11 — on cards created all the way back in 1995! The picture accurately depicts:

* That one tower was going to be struck first; this picture accurately depicts the moments between the first tower strike and the second.

* The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers. The plane hit in this approximate area of the first tower. How in the world could Steve Jackson know this fact?

* The card accurately depicts the Illuminati leadership by showing on the building to the extreme left of the card the Illuminist pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the middle.

* The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as “terrorists”

However, what does the caption to this card mean? It says, “Terrorist Nuke”. Now, what could this possibly mean? The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they? In our article on the Bali Blast, we noted the scientific data that suggested the hotel was taken down by a micro-nuclear device of about 0.10 kilotons [Read NEWS1715]. One can only ask: was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers as well? That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell. That kind of nuclear explosion would also explain the tremendous heat that stayed at “Ground Zero” for several months after 9/11. As we head into the planned “terrorist attacks” and attendant panics, we have to remain cognizant that a micro-nuke device might be the real culprit in some of these attacks.

“Pentagon” — When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin Tower picture, my blood froze! Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11! The Pentagon is shown on fire; we know that a plane allegedly flew into a section of the Pentagon and nearly burned that section completely. However, the rest of the Pentagon was undamaged to the point where its functions continued unimpeded.

Isn’t this the situation depicted here? This card shows a fire burning mightily in the center courtyard of the Pentagon, but the rest of the building looks undamaged enough so that normal activities could continue unimpeded!

Thus, these two cards literally depict both of the strikes of 9/11: against the Twin Towers first and then against the Pentagon.

This kind of accuracy 6 years before the attacks is possible only if one knows the Illuminati Plan very thoroughly.

“Population Control” — Even though the heading on this card says, “Population Reductionl”, the scene depicted shows clearly the Twin Towers under attack. With the Twin Towers under attack, and the tops of them hidden by the black smoke, the New York Empire State Building is again the tallest building in the City! Further, notice that the smoke is shaped in the form of a demon’s face. This is highly significant for several reasons:

* During the filming of the actual fire pouring forth from the Twin Towers, several cameras caught what seemed to be a demon face in the smoke. While most people were discounting this face as purely coincidental, two former Satanists called me within a couple of hours after those pictures were released, to tell me that those faces looked exactly like demons they had seen during a ritual when demons physically manifest themselves in this dimension. Cisco Wheeler further said that some of the most powerful demons in Satan’s kingdom were known as Fire Demons; it was to these demons that the ancient peoples — including Jews — sacrificed their children to Molech. The appearance of these demon faces might be proof of what I have been saying — that the attack was a Fire Ritual Sacrifice carried out by the Illuminati.

This attack on the Twin Towers also was a perfect Satanic Fire Sacrifice, as we detail in NEWS1541. Many pictures abounded on 9/11 that showed a demon’s face in the fire high up on the Twin Towers. This was not a coincidental phenomenon.

* The fact that this card shows a demon face in the smoke of the Twin Towers in 1995 demonstrates that the Illuminati planned to make the Twin Towers a Fire Sacrifice that would call up Fire Demons. This card predicted it, and the demons manifested themselves through the fire. Just as Waco and Oklahoma City were fire sacrifices, so was the attack on the Twin Towers.

* This card depicts a symbolic connection between the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City with the global plan of the Illuminati to effect a dramatic change in population! What possible connection could there be? This card may be telling us that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers is the opening blow in the campaign to dramatically reduce global population. We know already that the 9/11 attack was the opening blow to begin the final “birth pangs” stage to allow Antichrist to appear on the world scene, as he strides out of the smoke, dust, and debris of World War III. Now, this card seems to be telling us that the attack on the Twin Towers is the opening salvo in the final stage of population reduction. Since the goal is to dramatically reduce population by four billion people, exactly the level predicted in the Book of Revelation, we should not be too surprised to learn that the judgments foretold of the Fourth Seal are now on the horizon, and in your Daily News. What are these judgments?

Sword — War, World War III
Hunger — Famine, clearly on the horizon
Death — literally can mean plague, pestilence [Amplified Bible Commentary]
Beasts of the field — Strongs # 2226 — literally means “living being”. This could refer to the many living pathogens about to be released upon the earth, like the Aids virus. Rev 6:8 (KJV)


“Center For Disease Control” — “As its action, the CDC can supply Relief to one Devastated location … If the CDC makes a direct attack to destroy a Place, it can use biological warfare and get a plus 15 to its attack.” Don’t you find it highly interesting that this game foresees the CDC creating and launching a biological attack on a “Place”! In the earlier part of this article, we posted the very important question as to who would launch a smallpox attack upon us, if Iraq, North Korea, al Qaeda, Syria, and other rogue states are unable to launch a weaponized smallpox attack; this card seems to answer this question: the CDC will launch the attack! Of course, our authorities will undoubtedly accuse either Iraq or terrorists for this smallpox attack!

Truly, if a sophisticated attack were made on our cities with a bio-terror weapons, the thinking American citizen would have to realize that only the Russians or the Americans possessed the capability of inflicting this attack. Remember when 11 of the world’s top scientists in the field of DNA and in fighting infectious diseases started dropping dead almost exactly a year ago. [Read NEWS1592] At the moment the CDC is supposedly struggling with a bio-terror attack, these top scientists will no longer be able to do either of the following actions:

1. Use their expertise to fight this disease

2. Use their expertise to alert the world that only the U.S. and the Russians had the capability of inflicting this type of bio-terror attack. None of these scientists will be able to blow the whistle!


“Epidemic” — “Disaster! This is an attack to destroy any Place. It does not require an action. Its power is 14. This is not an instant attack. If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated.” The wording of this card — “not an instant attack” — seems to imply that the attack will occur silently, with people getting sick at different times well after the attack. This wording seems perilously close to the New World Order Plan. Listen:

“Len: And this report went on to say that the experiment was considered a partial failure because they got a slow-acting virus rather than a fast one. They were allegedly looking for fact acting killers. Robert: Except that quick viruses are, of course, worthless, because they’re too easy to defend against. I mean a very fast-acting virus is not any good … Cold Springs Harbor put out a big thing on MMMV, that is, the ‘maximally monstrous malignant virus’ …” [Dr. Leonard Horowitz, “Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola”, p. 106]

Dr. Horowitz clearly believes that the Plan calls for a slow-acting virus, one that will begin to kill people at different times after the initial infection.

We encourage you to read NEWS1752 for a complete explanation of the planned use of infectious disease to dramatically reduce global population and the historical fact that vaccinations have already been used to kill tens of millions of people.


“Combined Disasters” — Once again, how did this inventor of role-playing games know that, in addition to planned attacks on 9/11, and infectious diseases, the Illuminati has a myriad of other planned disasters that, when combined, they will so panic the peoples of the world that they will allow their liberties to be taken away and their freely elected governments to be abolished? What did Jesus predict?

“Men’s hearts failing them for fear.” Luke 21:26 (KJV)

What are the types of planned disasters the Illuminati has planned in combination?

 Wars — World War III will be comprised of three wars:

 Middle East with Iraq attack the likely trigger. Will China come to the aid of Saddam by triggering wars elsewhere?
 Korean Peninsula, as North Korea attacks the South with unconventional weapons and China takes her side, causing a Cuban Missile type crisis
 China invades Taiwan
 Terrorist Attacks in Cities
 Unprecedented earthquakes
 Economic Collapse
 Supernatural scenes from the heavenlies

Bill Cooper sums all this combined threat up very nicely and succinctly. Listen:

“Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order.” [“Behold A Pale Horse”., p. 177-8]



“Goal: Kill For Peace” — How did this inventor know to connect the appearance of Antichrist with the phrase, “Kill For Peace”? The Broken Cross is a symbol of Antichrist [Read NEWS1710 for full details], and of the Witchcraft he will practice. Therefore, this symbol means that the appearance of Antichrist is tied in with the seemingly paradoxical goal of achieving peace. But, God foretold this would happen, did he not?

“Through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many.” Dan 8:25 (KJV)

Thus, this card accurately depicts this prophecy! This picture ties in the symbolism of the Witchcraft inherent in the Broken Cross with the establishment of a “peace”. Further, note that the hippie is finally getting his dream of overthrowing the establishment! The police officer in his uniform is on his hands and knees in front of the hippies, in a pose signifying he has been beaten. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati in the 1960’s was to pay and encourage the counter-culture hippie movement in order to change attitudes and values of the youth so dramatically that, one day, the entire establishment structure would be overthrown. Hippie Abby Hoffman exclaimed about the Rockefellers who were funding him, “The establishment is buying a revolution!”

Now, the fulfillment of this old dream seems to be almost at hand. A violent overthrow of the Old World Order — symbolized by the fallen policeman — is absolutely required before the New World Order can be established.

This card is a powerful statement of the coming new system, frightening as it is.


“Rapture” — Even though I was surprised at the detail of the other cards, the inclusion of this Rapture card shocked me greatly. The Rapture is something the Born Again Christians are aching for, not the Illuminati; but, then, I remembered an article I posted nearly five years ago, entitled, “The Rapture of the Church May Be Close, and Both Sides Are Waiting For It”. In this article, I made the following very pertinent points:

+ Christians are mightily looking forward to the Rapture, based upon Revelation 3:10; I Thessalonians 4:13-5:4; I Corinthians 15:13-58; and others

* Occultists are also looking forward to the Rapture, having been alerted by their Guiding Spirits that such an event would occur! Beginning in 1987, ‘Guiding Spirits’ of key New World Order leaders began to inform these human leaders to start preparing their adherents for a spectacular global event, that would occur just after The New Age Christ [Antichrist] will make his appearance. What was this spectacular event to be? As these ‘Guiding Spirits’ explained, when The Christ appears, there will be many people throughout the world that could never accept his views or his teachings. These people would prove to be a great obstacle in the way the New Age Christ wanted to move the peoples of the world.

Therefore, the ‘Masters of the Logos’ had decided, these ‘Guiding Spirits’ said, to suddenly snap these people into another dimension, soon after The Christ arose. These recalcitrant people would be retrained in spirit, so that, when they reenter the ‘Reincarnation Cycle’, they will be fully persuaded as to the merits of the New World Order. Of course, when these people get back to earth in reincarnated bodies, the New World Order will have been in full swing for several hundred years, and everyone will know then how wonderful the system of The Christ is!

On August 18, 1991, I was sneaked into a major seminar of the Boston House of Theosophy and heard with my own ears a very logical explanation as to why so many people were going to be suddenly snatched out of this dimension [Read NEWS1052].

The fact that the Rapture card is depicted in this deck of playing cards for this game, and arranged last in order by White Magic practitioner, David Icke, speaks volumes about the fact that, in 1995, Steve Jackson knew the entire plan of the Illuminati. They know that, after Antichrist arises, tens of millions of people worldwide are going to be taken in the Rapture; the Illuminati has already spun the lie that will explain this event to their followers.


This role-playing game called the “Illuminati — New World Order”, or “INWO” is smoking gun proof that the Illuminati plan to produce Antichrist was well known in certain circles in 1995, when the game was distributed. Too many details are presented by these cards too close to the actual event to be accidental. The game depicts the events of 9/11 quite accurately and it depicts the planned events of bio-terror that are filling our daily news.

If ever you doubted that a global conspiracy could or did exist, you can doubt no longer. This game demonstrates both the existence of the conspiracy and its main details.

Suddenly, I get a feeling of the immediacy of the eternal, don’t you?

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

Have You Forgotten That You Are A Soldier In God’s Army?

Satan has taken advantage of Amnesia within the Christian community.  Not the kind of Amnesia that causes us to forget our names, but the kind of Amnesia that causes most Christians to forget that they are soldiers in God’s army.   Many people are merely doing spiritual things like praying for their needs to be met.  They are attending churches to get a word that will edify them, yet they are neglecting their true calling.  Their most essential duty as a child of God is not merely to receive a feel-good message so that they can survive but to battle Satan for souls.  As children of God, one of our chief assignments is to take authority over territories that Satan is occupying.  Somehow many believers have forgotten that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.  So, therefore, we are called to be overcomers who take back what the enemy has stolen.  There are many things that he has stolen.  He has stolen peace from our homes and lives.  He has stolen our younger generation.  He has stolen our fellow man through addictions to drugs, fear, discouragement, and sin.  Our job as believers is to take back what the Devil has stolen.  This is why Jesus sent us into the world with this promise:   Nothing shall by any means harm you.  Luke 10:19 “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will hurt you.”  We are promised two things: 1.  The enemy cannot hurt us and 2. We have been given power over Satan.  Did you forget that?

POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated

Image: POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated

(Natural News) A common retort from vaccine advocates whenever healthy skepticism is expressed against vaccination is that were it not for the jabs, we would still be dealing with epidemics of things like polio. But is this actually true?

Forrest Maready, author of the book The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio, tells a much different story about polio that suggests it is not actually a contagious virus that can be vaccinated against, but is rather a set of symptoms caused by environmental contaminants.

While there was no pharmaceutical industry to speak of in 1789, a doctor at that time by the name of Michael Underwood first observed what he described as a “debility of the lower extremities” in children – or what many today would refer to as polio. Not knowing what it was, Underwood chalked it up to teething and foul bowels.

Several decades later, the situation worsened with increasingly more children developing this strange paralysis, usually in their legs. Despite still not knowing what it was, doctors gave it a name: poliomyelitis, with the word polio standing for “grey,” as in grey tissue, and myelitis standing for inflammation of the spinal cord.

“A poliomyelitis was a lesion on your spinal cord,” Maready explains. “You could have more than one of them. But they didn’t know why children had begun developing them, seemingly out of nowhere.”

Scientific tests later linked arsenic, a popular medical ingredient at the time, to paralysis of the hind legs. Mercury, another common metal used in infant teething products, was also linked to the disease.

Throughout most of the 1800s, poliomyelitis would pop up here and there in children but there were no major epidemics of it. Then in the 1890s, the first outbreaks of polio suddenly emerged right around the time that a new arsenate-based pesticide was introduced.

This chemical concoction, which was designed to fight off the gypsy moth, contained both lead and arsenic. It was sprayed all over the Northeast right before the first real epidemics of poliomyelitis first began to emerge in the United States – also, not surprisingly, in the Northeast.

Not only children but also horses, dogs, chickens, pigs and other animals suddenly started to develop similar symptoms and many of them died. The cause? Lesions in their spinal cords caused by, you guessed it: heavy metal-induced poliomyelitis.

“Vaccines” contain heavy metals that cause polio and other diseases

It is important to note that polio as modern medicine defines it does not infect animals. So how, then, did animals “catch” and die from it back in the late 1800s? The answer is that poliomyelitis is a metal toxicity disease, not a contagious viral disease.

Just like there is no such thing as a “covid” virus since SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated, polio has not and cannot be pegged down as a specific infectious disease. Neither of these two illnesses meets Koch’s Postulates, either – meaning they have never been isolated and proven to exist as contagions.

“Koch’s Postulates were some research guidelines that basically stipulated there was a single causative microbe for every disease,” Maready explains.

The fact that polio is not a virus was further confirmed years later when it was discovered that many different things besides arsenic also caused poliomyelitis. One of them is “vaccines,” which we know contain all sorts of viruses, bacteria and other toxic materials that are injected directly into the body, bypassing its defenses.

What this suggests is that seemingly viral illnesses are either injected through vaccines or are caused by environmental pollution. There is no evidence to suggest that either polio or covid is a contagious virus that can be spread through the mouth or nose via airborne particulates.

Even so, the medical consensus is one that seeks to categorize these things as contagious diseases rather than symptoms caused by other factors. This false theory started to gain traction back in the 1800s and has since become the standard by which modern medicine gauges infectious diseases.

It is unfortunate that the practice of medicine went down this wrong path because millions have needlessly suffered, and many have died as a result. With polio, there was always one common denominator that was systematically overlooked as the cause, and that was environmental pesticides.

“I believe ingested pesticides, known to cause cellular membrane dysfunction, created a path directly from the intestines to the bottom of the spinal cord, located directly behind, for the viruses and bacteria to take hold,” Maready says, noting that polio almost always affected young children the worst, and nearly always in the same lower part of their spinal cord right behind their intestines.

“This is why multiple viruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, etc.) all began paralyzing children around this time. It wasn’t a genetic mutation. It wasn’t sanitation improvements. It was a physical alteration of the gut integrity by pesticides.”

Maready’s thesis also explains why older people are not nearly as at-risk for polio compared to younger children. As a person grows older, the positioning of the spinal cord in relation to the intestines moves apart, decreasing the risk of the gray matter of the spinal cord getting infected and inflamed.

“This is why the injected Salk polio vaccine worked so poorly,” Maready further explains.

“It created antibodies for only one of many viruses that could paralyze, and it created antibodies in the blood – a useless defense against an intestinal infection” (you can read the rest of the story on Maready’s Twitter thread).

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LifeSite president Steve Jalsevac warns ‘diabolical’ COVID agenda wants to ‘destroy Christian civilization’

Image: LifeSite president Steve Jalsevac warns ‘diabolical’ COVID agenda wants to ‘destroy Christian civilization’

(Natural News) In an exclusive interview, LifeSiteNews’s president and co-founder Steve Jalsevac warned how COVID-19 has been “exploited by the globalists to advance their agenda,” warning that people must fight for “freedom” in order to resist the tyrannical “Great Reset.”

(Article by Michael Haynes & Pierre Boralevire published from

While on a visit to the U.S., Jalsevac sat in the newly blessed LifeSiteNews studio with correspondent Jim Hale for a wide-ranging interview. LifeSiteNews’ president explained the uniqueness and importance of LifeSiteNews’ work, warned of the “diabolical” forces in power in the world today, and proffered his thoughts on the challenges of reclaiming society in a post COVID world.

Loss of freedom pushed by the population control movement

“I wrote an article about a year and a half ago about how the coronavirus will be exploited by the globalists to advance their agenda,” Jalsevac noted. “Everything I wrote in there, I think, has come to pass.”

When questioned by Hale if he thought the COVID injections are a weapon in the “population control” agenda, Jalsevac replied “Absolutely. Without any doubt at all.”

“Their primary objective is to stop what they claim to be climate change, and they believe the cause of ‘climate change’ is human beings, and human beings are a vermin on the Earth,” he stated. “They’ve used disgusting words to describe human beings because of the numbers that we have.”

Contrary to the claims of the “globalists,” larger populations promote “higher standards of living” added Jalsevac, before reminding Hale that this benefit was contingent on preserving “freedom.”

“If you don’t have freedom, all these good things will not happen. So they’re trying to now impose a tyranny on us that will control everything we do. And in so doing, they will prevent all of the creativity and dynamic new discoveries that could happen by a free public.”

The imposed tyranny is a move to “kill the spirit of the people they’re trying to control, so that they’re more easily manipulated,” said Jalsevac.

Jalsevac insisted that there is no justification in labelling such claims as “conspiracy theories,” given that the so-called “Great Reset” is no secret, having been called for openly by multiple world leaders. “You can easily find out about it. They’re not hiding it. They’ve written about it… [Klaus] Schwab has written about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

‘Medical murder by negligence’

“The word diabolical, I think is an appropriate word,” he added, when speaking of the censorship which doctors have faced, when trying to treat COVID patients with alternatives to the experimental, abortion-tainted injections.

“It’s not an exaggeration…This is medical murder by negligence. They’ve known for a long time. Dr. Fauci knew years ago that hydroxychloroquine would be very good for treating COVID. He knew this. And yet he lied about it.”

Jalsevac urged the freedom-loving members of the medical community to “organize” in a resistance, to “defend their rights in a good way, in a professional way, but still very firm and with confidence.”

Fight back for freedom

Drawing on his experience analyzing global affairs, Jalsevac gave a rallying call to readers in the face of the COVID-era “tyranny.”

“Everyone has got to start to say ‘No’, no matter what it costs you,” he urged. “Because if you do not say ‘No’ now, no matter who you are, no matter what your position is, no matter what you’re going to lose, you will lose everything anyway…If we don’t have millions of people saying ‘No’ to all of these COVID mandates of all kinds and these mitigation efforts and the lockdowns and the wearing of face max masks.”

“Saying ‘No’ will free us,” he said. “It will restore our freedom and our prosperity, and we will return to a good life.”

Undeterred, Jalsevac gave a message of hope. “I have faith that we can accomplish great things and we can still stop this tyranny,” he insisted.

“We place our trust not in ourselves: we place our trust in God. And that gives us the courage and the confidence to tackle anything.”

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