Airline Pilots Grounded After Being Vaxxed.

A recent contract through the largest pilot unit ALPA has also negotiated a 14 percent pay boost for United Airlines pilots, who earn an average of $160,000-a-year, across 18 months. Delta pilots are currently in the middle of contract negotiations and are also asking for a pay raise and better retirement benefits, as well as schedule changes to reduce disruptions. 

Pilots have also slammed airlines for creating a chaotic travel season due to covid vaccine mandates. 

One Southwest pilot said during a protest – which saw 1,300 Southwest employees picketing outside of Dallas Love Field Airport earlier this month – that he thought the mandate was the main cause. 

‘I believe it’s because of the COVID vaccines – they’re still requiring the vaccination for all new applicants and if the new applicants say they’re not going to get vaccinated, their application is passed over,’ Pilot Tom Bogart told News Nation

He said many ‘highly qualified applicants’ are being passed over due to not being vaccinated. 

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Delta pilots stand outside New York’s Grand Central Terminal on June 16 to protest the harsh work environment as they demand better pay and better retirement plans amidst the chaotic travel year. Southwest pilots also recently protested outside of the Dallas Love Field 

Hero pilot steps in to help loading luggage amid staff shortages

‘The executive order [for mandating vaccines] is not dead,’ he told News Nation. 

He said pilots are still ‘passionate’ about flying and ‘love what we do,’ but said the focus needs to put on the airlines and not the pilots. 

‘You guys need to be asking Southwest Airlines: ‘What are you doing proactively?’ We’re still in the same spot that we were last summer. We’re still in the same spot that we were over the holidays,’ he said earlier this month. 

Almost a year ago, pilots spoke out about the mandate and many left the industry or retired – although airlines have yet to give a definite number on how many truly resigned. 

Ahead of a Memorial Day, a travel expert Brian Kelly told Fox Business that he expected the pilot shortage to only get worst as the summer travel season continues because of the pilot shortage. 

Another reason he said the shortage might be happening is the expense of becoming a pilot. 

‘It’s really expensive to become a pilot,’ he told Fox Business in May. 

More than 500 flights across US are canceled as critics blame ‘pilot shortage’ on Covid vax policies

ArthurKing777777, Windsor, United States, 1 month ago

Imagine that pilots not wanting to take a poison that kills pilots…..

023Click to rate

OctavianFly0601, Kirkland, United States, 1 month ago

Clot shots

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bonfirepal, best Coast ever, United States, 1 month ago

Stop with the mandates and stop all this crap

021Click to rate

Foda, Miami, United States, 1 month ago

US airlines are the absolute worst in the world. For a country that pretends to be No. 1 are everything they are the last when it comes to efficient air travel.

311Click to rate

Irregardless_2929, Dawson, United States, 1 month ago

You are free to live and fly somewhere else.

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TexasPete, Texas, United States, 1 month ago

Every Democrat who has supported vaccine mandates, this is the result of your wishes. Embrace it. Enjoy it. You got exactly what you demanded. Anyone not happy with this, don’t vote Democrat.

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WhatTheWorldNeedsNow, Indianapolis , United States, 1 month ago

Then schedule fewer flights…

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Mrjohnson50, Leesburg, United States, 1 month ago

……”staff shortages”???? You mean the ones you created when you fired your employees for not getting a Covid vaccination? We can only pray their maintenance staff has more foresight than their HR staffing site

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TexasPete, Texas, United States, 1 month ago

Any real quality pilot has probably already made the move from Commercial to Private pilots. Why deal with Democrat mandates when you can just get a job flying billionaires around in private jets for better pay?

013Click to rate

Darron, Bamburgh, United Kingdom, 1 month ago

Must be doqn to Brexit?

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El Ka-Bong, Halifax, Canada, 1 month ago

Great news! For all you people with itchy feet – THERE’S STILL A PANDEMIC! So shut up, you big infants, no one wants to serve your selfishness. No wonder airlines can’t find people to work for them – too many stupid, ignorant passengers who think there’s no pandemic and want to spread their filth around.

401Click to rate

Biggly, Kuching, 1 month ago

It’s a pandemic of the vaccinated. You superspreaders are creating variants. You think it’s bad now, wait for winter. It’s coming.

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Rpaul, Issaquah, United States, 1 month ago

What happened to “my body, my choice”?

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Nubeldorf1, Rockville, United States, 1 month ago

That only works if you want to kill an unborn baby not if the government wants to kill you.

019Click to rate

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Coffee Linked To A Longer Life

Surprisingly, the findings showed that higher coffee intake (even 8 or more cups per day) was associated with a lower risk of death, regardless of caffeine metabolism. A meta-analysis of 36 studies involving more than 1.2 million people found that moderate coffee consumption appeared to be associated with a lower risk of heart disease; in addition, those who drank more than five cups a day had no greater risk. More than 700,000 people participated in the study, which found that the more coffee people drank, the less likely they were to die prematurely from a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. An analysis of 20 studies from 2013 and another study, including 17 studies, each involving more than 1 million people, found that drinking coffee slightly reduced the risk of all-cause death. As a sign of the times, the Department of Agriculture agreed in 2015 that “coffee can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle,” especially if you keep to three to five cups a day (up to 400 mg of caffeine) and avoid being smeared with cream and sugar. …    

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The study, published last year in the British medical journal The BMJ, looked at more than 200 previous studies and suggested that drinking three to four cups of coffee a day may be beneficial, rather than harmful. SUMMARY A large study found that drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day was associated with a lower risk of premature death. Many other studies have yielded similar results. The health effects of coffee have been extensively researched over the past few decades. A study involving more than 520,000 people in 10 European countries, making it the largest study to date on coffee and mortality, found that drinking more coffee can significantly reduce a person’s risk of death.    

By looking specifically at their populations, the study aimed to better understand the relationship between coffee consumption and its health effects associated with mortality. The JAMA study involved half a million people between the ages of 38 and 73 over 10 years, tracking coffee consumption, smoking status and certain health indicators, including death. After analyzing 40 studies involving 3,852,651 people and 450,256 causes of death, the researchers found that coffee consumption had an inverse relationship with all-cause mortality — regardless of age, overweight, or alcohol consumption. coffee “.  

                                                        According to the study, people who drank two to four cups of coffee a day had an 18% lower risk of death than those who did not drink coffee. Lower mortality was observed regardless of whether people drank regular or decaffeinated coffee, suggesting that the link was not caffeine-related, says V. Wendy Setiavan, senior study author and assistant professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.


In the United States, there are similar results linking higher coffee consumption with a lower risk of premature death in African Americans, Japanese Americans, Hispanics, and white adults, both men and women. Daily coffee habit has also been linked to a reduced risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes.    

While research does not show coffee prolongs life, several studies have shown an increase in life expectancy among decaf drinkers and those who regularly drink coffee. There have been studies claiming that drinking coffee increases longevity and overall health, and even studies against it.    

Recent studies have shown that drinking at least two cups of coffee a day can extend consumers’ lives by about two years. Drinking more than 8 cups of coffee a day was associated with a lower risk of death during a 10-year follow-up period, a new study found.    

However, the researchers noted that the study found links only with coffee and longevity and did not show that coffee prolongs life. But these studies looked at coffee consumption only after the onset of the disease, rather than taking into account the risk of all-cause mortality, as in the current article, Loftfield said. 

For the present study, researchers analyzed information provided by approximately 500,000 people who answered questions about their coffee consumption, smoking and alcohol use, medical history, and more. The researchers found that the more coffee the participants consumed, the lower the risk of death. But overall, compared to non-drinkers, those who drank a cup of coffee a day had an 8% lower risk of premature death, and this rate increased slightly with increasing consumption, peaking at 16% in those who drank between six and seven cups. day. before dropping slightly to 14% for those who drink eight or more cups a day. As in previous studies, coffee drinkers were more likely to drink and smoke than non-drinkers, but the researchers accounted for these factors, and coffee consumption seems to have canceled them out.     

In another study by Australian scientists, it was found that there is an optimal amount of coffee that is beneficial. Researchers at the University of South Australia decided in their study published this month to find out how much coffee is good for your health. They compared consumption of four cups of coffee a day and found that this resulted in a greater reduction in deaths from certain causes and deaths from all causes than consumption without coffee.    

The benefits of drinking coffee have also been found in Parkinson’s disease, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies have linked coffee consumption to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, gallstones and certain cancers, as well as Parkinson’s disease. But previous research has linked moderate coffee consumption with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Previous research by USC and other organizations has shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of many types of cancer, diabetes, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.  



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Setiwan, who drinks one to two cups of coffee a day, said the positive effects of drinking coffee can have far-reaching consequences, as a large number of people enjoy or depend on it on a daily basis. Coffee drinkers are less likely to die than non-coffee drinkers. Several studies have shown that regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of dying from various serious diseases. People who drink up to 8 cups of coffee a day may have a slightly lower risk of premature death compared to nondrinkers, according to a large new study. Drinking unlimited caffeinated coffee may put you at risk, but researchers say you shouldn’t have to worry about drinking up to five cups a day.    

You may be wondering if this means you will live longer if you drink a lot of coffee. Therefore, coffee can add not only years to your life, but life to your years. Not only is coffee said to be good for the liver (yes, indeed), but new research shows that coffee can add years to your life as well.    

According to a study published Monday, a new study links coffee consumption to increased lifespan. Drinking three to four cups of Italian coffee a day can lower mortality and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study.