World Economic Forums Plan To Jail People In Smart Cities Under 24 Hour Surveillance


Smart City network

A Smart City is a high tech environment where citizens are surveilled 24/7 by data harvesting technologies that record every detail of their life. Every conversation, purchase, physical activity, location, thought, emotion and dream is recorded. 

The World Economic Form is pushing hard to build Smart Cities all over the world. In The Netherlands for example the government ordered the elimination of 3,000 farms, so they can seize the farmland. 42 They claim this is needed to “save the planet” from climate change. Apparently the farms, with their green grasslands, are responsible for destroying the climate. At the same time official plans are revealed to build a monstrous Smart City that will turn most of The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium into one massive surveillance state, called the TriState City Network. 43

The plan is to turn the beautiful  Netherlands into one giant Smart City. This gorgeous country, known for it’s wide open landscapes with windmills, tulips, creeks, boats, and grazing cows, will be called “Holland City”. 

Why do they want everyone to live in Smart Cities? Because the emerging data harvesting technologies will be used to gather astronomically amounts of personal data from everyone, which is considered the new wealth of the future. Where in the past land, or gold was considered the most precious asset, today it is data. The more personal data the global corporations gather from humanity, the more power they will have. 

Bill Gates for example has purchased 24,800 acres of land in Arizona, to build a Smart City that can house 80,000 people. This city will be centered around data centers where all the personal information of the citizens will be stored. 44

But there is more… According to the former Chilean president Sebastian Pinera, 5G is not only able to read our thoughts and emotions, but it can also insert thoughts and emotions. He adds that 5G will become the central nervous system of society, and they will make sure it reaches every home. 45 In other words: everyone living in Smart Cities will not only constantly be monitored – while all their thoughts, emotions and dreams are recorded – but they could also be turned into the perfectly obedient citizens, by inserting the desired thoughts and feelings into everyone. “Most of what we think is vanity, anyway”, Pinera concludes…

Making life a 100% digital experience

cyborg transhumanisme

The World Economic Forum strongly promotes the Fourth Industrial Revolution which means that all life on earth must be transformed into a digital experience, even the expression of humanity itself. During their yearly conference in Davos the advisor for the WEF professor Yuval Noah Harari made the following statement:

“In the near future humanity will be ruled by entities that are more different from us than we are from chimpansees.”

He goes on to say that the elites will be turned into humanoid robots, that will far exceed the capabilities of the rest of humanity, making them like gods that will rule over the entire world. Harari calls them “Homo Deus” or the “God Man”. These are his very own words, that you can hear in the video below. The rest of humanity may not become as advanced as these supreme elitist humanoids, but they will also be merged with technology. Supposedly this will make life easier and better, but the real life consequence is that people will be physically connected to the cloud, where artificial intelligence will have full access to their entire body – including their nervous system and brain. As Yuval Harari says:

“We are entering the era where surveillance will no longer be outside of us, but it will be under our skin.”

Their plan goes further, as they envision artificial intelligence becoming the director of our lives, because it will know us better than we know ourselves. People will no longer have to seek wisdom, or even divine guidance for critical decisions, but A.I. will tell us everything we need to know. It will tell us who to marry, where to live, what to buy, who to vote for, and so on. It will gain this knowledge through the 24/7 omnipresent surveillance technologies, that will record every little detail about us. 45

In a sense A.I. will become the new God: it will be omnipresent, and know everything about everyone.

A.I. will also replace most jobs in the world, says Klaus Schwab. Doctors, lawyers, drivers, teachers, ministers, pastors, etc., can all easily be replaced by A.I. It will drive our cars, write our books, create our paintings, compose our music, teach our children, preach in our churches, defend us in court, and so on. 46 A.I. will be better at everything, they say. And no, that is not a scenario for a science fiction movie. Ads on social media abound, telling us to let A.I. create our paintings, write our books, and guide our businesses. 

Finally, Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum makes it clear that humanity will be genetically edited, to “improve” us. 47 Every informed person knows that genetically modified organisms are less healthy, and even pose dangers to human health. Conscious people try to avoid GMO produce, because the original life forms are so much better. Now they want to genetically modify humans…

Listen to Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari declare to the world how everyone must become a cyborg, to “save the planet”, how a new class of elite humanoids will rule all of humanity, and how A.I. will take over the control over our lives.


Climate change changes everything

The magic word to force humanity into Smart Cities, is “climate change”. 48 The World Economic Forum claims that the climate is out of order, because people go too far from their homes, and do to many activities outdoors, which causes harmful emission of CO2. That’s why they want to add trackers in peoples phones, clothes and eventually inside everyones body, to monitor the amount of carbon we are emitting. 49

 Never mind the countless factories they are erecting that constantly emit unimaginable amounts of toxic gases. Never mind the mega cities they want to build, to replace green pastures. Never mind that these billionaires all use private jets that emit crazy amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

It’s not the cutting down of trillions of trees, destroying rural country, and building monstrous Smart Cities that is bad for the environment. No, it’s the people who want to visit their families, enjoy a day at the beach, or hike in the mountains. That is what destroys the climate! Therefore they want to forbid private car ownership. 50 Cars should be shared among each other: one car for the whole neighborhood. But wait… who are these people again, making these statements? O yes, right, it are billionaires who each have several private jets and a vast collection of cars.

The WEF agenda of world domination

The World Economic Forum doesn’t hide their true intention. What they ultimately aim to establish is nothing less that unprecedented world domination. They make that crystal clear with their famous WEF wheel: 51

World Economic Forum wheel

Global Governance, Corporate Governance, and Internet Governance… the World Economic Forum publicly states they want to seize full control over the world, including all corporations and all information.

They Want To Steal Humans From God

How genetically modified
humans can be owned

In a court case in 2013 the Supreme Court of United States (see document below) ruled that human DNA cannot be patented because it is ‘a product of nature’. But at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that if a human genome were changed by mRNA vaccines (which are currently being used), then the genome can be patented.

This means that all people who have received the vaccine are now technically ‘patented’ and something that is patented is ‘property’ and will fall under the definition of ‘trans-human’. Those people who are legally identified as ‘trans-humans’ do not have access to Human Rights or any rights granted by the State. This is because they are not classified as 100% organic or human. Therefore, technically anyone who has this vaccine could no longer have access to Human Rights. 

The following video explains how patent holders of gene editing technology claim ownership of people whose DNA is modified with their technology. This could be used to enforce compliance in future tyrannical mandates. 

The agenda of the elites to
legally own humanity

alex thomson

During a historic Grand Jury proceeding in February 2022, expert eye-witnesses testified about the official agenda of the elites to genetically modify and copyright humanity, so they would no longer belong to the Creator, but become their legal property. One of these witnesses is Alex Thomson, a former officer of Britain’s Signal Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA (National Security Agency, USA). He was desk officer for the former Soviet Union and a transcriber of intercepted material. Thomson was part of GCHQ’s cross disciplinary team for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats: CBRN.

As an intelligence officer,
Alex learned about the British strategy
for world domination. 

Alex Thompson was raised in the boarding schools and universities of the British elites, where he learned firsthand how they believe they have the right to enslave the rest of humanity, which they consider to be their ‘livestock’. In their views, they own the population – body, mind and soul.

Alex Thomson: “It is explicitly the view, certainly in the 1990’s when I was at a senior British boarding school – this term was used by the grandsons of City of London seniors who used the word ‘livestock’ to describe the British population. They are considered cattle and do not deserve a place in the world, other than under the direction of the British elite.”

If we understand how the financial elites view humanity, it is no surprise that they want to lift their ideological ownership of the people to an actual legal level, where they can claim literal ownership as a result of genetic editing.

Alex Thomson further explains: 

They regard the real wealth as human minds and health, and the ability to alter and copyright the human being into a new model that would behave as expected.

Attorney Ana Garner: You mention copyrighting the human mind, copyrighting even the genetics. Do you feel that there is a link between the current so-called vaccines – the shots from Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca – and this goal of copyrighting the humans?

Alex Thomson: I very strongly believe that. I’ve seen time and again that where there is hype and where there is a pseudo theological belief among the elite in Britain and America that you can achieve a certain aim by pulling a certain trick – such as by editing a gene and stamping a copyright on the human body – that is enough motivation in and of itself to fuel a serious attempt to go that way. 

The very heart of it is the idea that genetic editing will allow the copyrighting of the number of souls and bodies in humanity that are affected, so that they’re
no longer under the Creator.

Who are the families that make up the elites? What are their names? What is their agenda for humanity? How can we stop them? Learn more in the report below…


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Two Men Give Monkey Pox To Dog In Bed.

  • An Italian greyhound tested positive for monkeypox in Paris after its owners contracted the virus.
  • The owners developed pus-filled blisters and fevers 12 days before the dog also got a rash.
  • A veterinary virologist said human-to-dog transmission is likely rare and not a major threat.

Researchers described the first suspected canine monkeypox case in a dog that shared a bed with its infectious owners, and the case, raising new questions for researchers about human-to-animal transmission.

The dog owners, two men in a non-exclusive partnership, began experiencing symptoms of monkeypox at the end of May when they presented at a hospital in Paris, according to a report published in the Lancet on August 10.

Both men developed fevers, fatigue, and headaches after noticing pus-filled blisters on their bodies. They were careful to avoid contact with other people from the onset of their symptoms, and they quarantined their 4-year-old Italian greyhound as well.

The dog developed pus-filled blisters on its stomach and a small anal lesion about 12 days after the humans in the house began showing symptoms. Testing revealed that both the men and the dog were infected with identical monkeypox virus.

Monkeypox is known to infect a wide variety of mammals, and scientists are still learning which species can transmit the virus. Before this case, there were no reports of sick people spreading monkeypox to animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Airline Pilots Grounded After Being Vaxxed.

A recent contract through the largest pilot unit ALPA has also negotiated a 14 percent pay boost for United Airlines pilots, who earn an average of $160,000-a-year, across 18 months. Delta pilots are currently in the middle of contract negotiations and are also asking for a pay raise and better retirement benefits, as well as schedule changes to reduce disruptions. 

Pilots have also slammed airlines for creating a chaotic travel season due to covid vaccine mandates. 

One Southwest pilot said during a protest – which saw 1,300 Southwest employees picketing outside of Dallas Love Field Airport earlier this month – that he thought the mandate was the main cause. 

‘I believe it’s because of the COVID vaccines – they’re still requiring the vaccination for all new applicants and if the new applicants say they’re not going to get vaccinated, their application is passed over,’ Pilot Tom Bogart told News Nation

He said many ‘highly qualified applicants’ are being passed over due to not being vaccinated. 

Thousands of suitcases continue to ‘multiply’ at Heathrow airport

Delta pilots stand outside New York’s Grand Central Terminal on June 16 to protest the harsh work environment as they demand better pay and better retirement plans amidst the chaotic travel year. Southwest pilots also recently protested outside of the Dallas Love Field 

Hero pilot steps in to help loading luggage amid staff shortages

‘The executive order [for mandating vaccines] is not dead,’ he told News Nation. 

He said pilots are still ‘passionate’ about flying and ‘love what we do,’ but said the focus needs to put on the airlines and not the pilots. 

‘You guys need to be asking Southwest Airlines: ‘What are you doing proactively?’ We’re still in the same spot that we were last summer. We’re still in the same spot that we were over the holidays,’ he said earlier this month. 

Almost a year ago, pilots spoke out about the mandate and many left the industry or retired – although airlines have yet to give a definite number on how many truly resigned. 

Ahead of a Memorial Day, a travel expert Brian Kelly told Fox Business that he expected the pilot shortage to only get worst as the summer travel season continues because of the pilot shortage. 

Another reason he said the shortage might be happening is the expense of becoming a pilot. 

‘It’s really expensive to become a pilot,’ he told Fox Business in May. 

More than 500 flights across US are canceled as critics blame ‘pilot shortage’ on Covid vax policies

ArthurKing777777, Windsor, United States, 1 month ago

Imagine that pilots not wanting to take a poison that kills pilots…..

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OctavianFly0601, Kirkland, United States, 1 month ago

Clot shots

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bonfirepal, best Coast ever, United States, 1 month ago

Stop with the mandates and stop all this crap

021Click to rate

Foda, Miami, United States, 1 month ago

US airlines are the absolute worst in the world. For a country that pretends to be No. 1 are everything they are the last when it comes to efficient air travel.

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Irregardless_2929, Dawson, United States, 1 month ago

You are free to live and fly somewhere else.

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TexasPete, Texas, United States, 1 month ago

Every Democrat who has supported vaccine mandates, this is the result of your wishes. Embrace it. Enjoy it. You got exactly what you demanded. Anyone not happy with this, don’t vote Democrat.

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WhatTheWorldNeedsNow, Indianapolis , United States, 1 month ago

Then schedule fewer flights…

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Mrjohnson50, Leesburg, United States, 1 month ago

……”staff shortages”???? You mean the ones you created when you fired your employees for not getting a Covid vaccination? We can only pray their maintenance staff has more foresight than their HR staffing site

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TexasPete, Texas, United States, 1 month ago

Any real quality pilot has probably already made the move from Commercial to Private pilots. Why deal with Democrat mandates when you can just get a job flying billionaires around in private jets for better pay?

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Darron, Bamburgh, United Kingdom, 1 month ago

Must be doqn to Brexit?

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El Ka-Bong, Halifax, Canada, 1 month ago

Great news! For all you people with itchy feet – THERE’S STILL A PANDEMIC! So shut up, you big infants, no one wants to serve your selfishness. No wonder airlines can’t find people to work for them – too many stupid, ignorant passengers who think there’s no pandemic and want to spread their filth around.

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Biggly, Kuching, 1 month ago

It’s a pandemic of the vaccinated. You superspreaders are creating variants. You think it’s bad now, wait for winter. It’s coming.

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Rpaul, Issaquah, United States, 1 month ago

What happened to “my body, my choice”?

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Nubeldorf1, Rockville, United States, 1 month ago

That only works if you want to kill an unborn baby not if the government wants to kill you.

019Click to rate

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POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated

Image: POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated

(Natural News) A common retort from vaccine advocates whenever healthy skepticism is expressed against vaccination is that were it not for the jabs, we would still be dealing with epidemics of things like polio. But is this actually true?

Forrest Maready, author of the book The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio, tells a much different story about polio that suggests it is not actually a contagious virus that can be vaccinated against, but is rather a set of symptoms caused by environmental contaminants.

While there was no pharmaceutical industry to speak of in 1789, a doctor at that time by the name of Michael Underwood first observed what he described as a “debility of the lower extremities” in children – or what many today would refer to as polio. Not knowing what it was, Underwood chalked it up to teething and foul bowels.

Several decades later, the situation worsened with increasingly more children developing this strange paralysis, usually in their legs. Despite still not knowing what it was, doctors gave it a name: poliomyelitis, with the word polio standing for “grey,” as in grey tissue, and myelitis standing for inflammation of the spinal cord.

“A poliomyelitis was a lesion on your spinal cord,” Maready explains. “You could have more than one of them. But they didn’t know why children had begun developing them, seemingly out of nowhere.”

Scientific tests later linked arsenic, a popular medical ingredient at the time, to paralysis of the hind legs. Mercury, another common metal used in infant teething products, was also linked to the disease.

Throughout most of the 1800s, poliomyelitis would pop up here and there in children but there were no major epidemics of it. Then in the 1890s, the first outbreaks of polio suddenly emerged right around the time that a new arsenate-based pesticide was introduced.

This chemical concoction, which was designed to fight off the gypsy moth, contained both lead and arsenic. It was sprayed all over the Northeast right before the first real epidemics of poliomyelitis first began to emerge in the United States – also, not surprisingly, in the Northeast.

Not only children but also horses, dogs, chickens, pigs and other animals suddenly started to develop similar symptoms and many of them died. The cause? Lesions in their spinal cords caused by, you guessed it: heavy metal-induced poliomyelitis.

“Vaccines” contain heavy metals that cause polio and other diseases

It is important to note that polio as modern medicine defines it does not infect animals. So how, then, did animals “catch” and die from it back in the late 1800s? The answer is that poliomyelitis is a metal toxicity disease, not a contagious viral disease.

Just like there is no such thing as a “covid” virus since SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated, polio has not and cannot be pegged down as a specific infectious disease. Neither of these two illnesses meets Koch’s Postulates, either – meaning they have never been isolated and proven to exist as contagions.

“Koch’s Postulates were some research guidelines that basically stipulated there was a single causative microbe for every disease,” Maready explains.

The fact that polio is not a virus was further confirmed years later when it was discovered that many different things besides arsenic also caused poliomyelitis. One of them is “vaccines,” which we know contain all sorts of viruses, bacteria and other toxic materials that are injected directly into the body, bypassing its defenses.

What this suggests is that seemingly viral illnesses are either injected through vaccines or are caused by environmental pollution. There is no evidence to suggest that either polio or covid is a contagious virus that can be spread through the mouth or nose via airborne particulates.

Even so, the medical consensus is one that seeks to categorize these things as contagious diseases rather than symptoms caused by other factors. This false theory started to gain traction back in the 1800s and has since become the standard by which modern medicine gauges infectious diseases.

It is unfortunate that the practice of medicine went down this wrong path because millions have needlessly suffered, and many have died as a result. With polio, there was always one common denominator that was systematically overlooked as the cause, and that was environmental pesticides.

“I believe ingested pesticides, known to cause cellular membrane dysfunction, created a path directly from the intestines to the bottom of the spinal cord, located directly behind, for the viruses and bacteria to take hold,” Maready says, noting that polio almost always affected young children the worst, and nearly always in the same lower part of their spinal cord right behind their intestines.

“This is why multiple viruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, etc.) all began paralyzing children around this time. It wasn’t a genetic mutation. It wasn’t sanitation improvements. It was a physical alteration of the gut integrity by pesticides.”

Maready’s thesis also explains why older people are not nearly as at-risk for polio compared to younger children. As a person grows older, the positioning of the spinal cord in relation to the intestines moves apart, decreasing the risk of the gray matter of the spinal cord getting infected and inflamed.

“This is why the injected Salk polio vaccine worked so poorly,” Maready further explains.

“It created antibodies for only one of many viruses that could paralyze, and it created antibodies in the blood – a useless defense against an intestinal infection” (you can read the rest of the story on Maready’s Twitter thread).

More related news can be found at

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